Alinx AX7020

Part ID: xc7z020clg400-2

  • xc7z020 is the part number which identifies a specific device from a Xilinx FPGA family (in this case, it belongs to a Zynq family from the 7-series).

  • clg400 is the package number which defines the number of package IO pins.

  • -2 is the speed grade.



  • How many LUTs, FFs, Block RAMs (number of 36Kb blocks), and DSP slices are on the xc7z020 FPGA?

    • LUTs: 53,200

    • FFs: 106,400

    • Block RAMs (# 36Kb blocks): 140

    • DSP slices: 220

  • How many LUTs are in a slice?

    • There are 4 LUTs in a slice. (See figure above)

  • How many inputs do each of the LUTs have?

    • Each LUT has 6 inputs.

  • How many slices do you need to implement a logic function of 8 inputs?

    • Only one slice. See the figure above.

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