RISC-V Basics

Complete RV32I ISA

Here is the complete RV32I ISA. We gonna implement most part of it except the gray part.

We are not going to handle exceptions.

RISC-V Instruction Formats

The RV32I ISA can be divided into six intruction formats(R/I/S/B/U/J), as shown in the figure below.

"State" Required by RV32I ISA

Processors are basically FSMs. Each instruction reads and updates this state during execution:

  • Registers (x0 .. x31)

  • Program Counter (PC)

  • Memory (MEM)

x0 is hardwired to 0 (i.e., always 0). Writes to Reg[0] are ignored.

Microarchitecture Organization


There are multiple implementations for a single instruction set architecture:

  • Single-cycle

    • Each instruction executes in a single clock cycle.

  • Multicycle

    • Each instruction is broken up into a series of shorter steps with one step per clock cycle.

  • Pipelined (variant on "multicycle")

    • Each instruction is broken up into a series of steps with one step per clock cycle.

    • Multiple instructions execute at once by overlapping in time.

  • Superscalar

    • Multiple functional units to execute at once by overlapping in time.

  • Out of order

    • Instructions are reordered by the hardware.

We will implement a single-cycle processor first, and then a pipelined one.


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