Add <install_path>/Vivado/<version>/bin directory to the PATH. Suppose the vivado is installed in linux at directory /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2024.1, append the following line to ~/.bashrc and then run source ~/.bashrc.
Now, when you enter vivado at the command prompt, it will automatically runs vivado -mode gui to launch the Vivado IDE.
If you enter vivado -mode tcl, it will launch an interactive Tcl command shell. You can enter start_gui at the tcl prompt to launch the Vivado IDE and open the Vivado tool GUI.
source ./target.tcl -notrace
# Read Verilog source files
if {[string trim ${RTL}] ne ""} {read_verilog -v ${RTL}}
# Read user constraints
if {[string trim ${CONSTRAINTS}] ne ""} {read_xdc ${CONSTRAINTS}}
# Read memory initialization files
if {[string trim ${MIFS}] ne ""} {read_mem ${MIFS}}
# Only elaborate RTL (don't synthesize to netlist)
synth_design -top ${TOP} -part ${FPGA_PART} -rtl
# write_checkpoint doesn't work:
# Vivado% write_checkpoint -force z1top_post_elab.dcp
# ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Checkpoints are not supported for RTL designs
# Open the schematic visualization
source ../target.tcl -notrace
# Read Verilog source files
if {[string trim ${RTL}] ne ""} {read_verilog -v ${RTL}}
# Read user constraints
if {[string trim ${CONSTRAINTS}] ne ""} {read_xdc ${CONSTRAINTS}}
# Read memory initialization files
if {[string trim ${MIFS}] ne ""} {read_mem ${MIFS}}
synth_design -top ${TOP} -part ${FPGA_PART}
write_checkpoint -force ${TOP}.dcp
report_timing_summary -file post_synth_timing_summary.rpt
report_drc -file post_synth_drc.rpt
report_utilization -file post_synth_utilization.rpt
write_verilog -force -file post_synth.v
write_xdc -force -file post_synth.xdc